Den 19 juli 2014 skrev jag om hantverksmarknaden på Lettlands etnografiska friluftsmuseum:
Rigas årliga hantverksmarknad 8 juni 2014
Nu ska jag backa i tid och lägga upp material igen ifrån friluftsmuseet men denna gång ifrån valborgsfriandet 2013.
Samling var kl.18.00 vid entrén till museet för Fackeltåg till sjöstranden.
Här fanns tid för att mingla med vänner och bekanta samt trappa ner efter resan hit.
Det fanns även tid till att göra en avstickare för att titta på den svensk / samiska utställningen “Åtta årstider”.
Exhibition from Västerbotten Museum (Umea, Sweden) ‘Eight seasons of Sami family’ will open in the exposition hall of the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia on May 1 to be held until July 21, the representatives of the Museum informed the cultural portal 'Riga 2014'.
Exposition offering photography and cultural arte facts is an engaging and unusual narrative, for Latvian public, revealing how closely contemporary Sami nation is linked to its ancient traditions and reflecting endurance and stern beauty of Sami culture.
The Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia has found new collaboration partners, due to the project ‘Riga – European Capital of Culture, in the other town to hold this title in 2014 Umea.
The photographic part of the exhibition ‘Eight seasons of Sami family’ was generated in Ternebi fiolls. Photographer of the newspaper ‘Västerbottens-Kuriren’ Torbjörn Jakobsson and journalist Bertil Wallin followed the Rehnfjells, a young family of Sami reindeer herders around the land. As unique portrayal of Sami culture, which is largely known to very view, the exhibition will reflect the herding stages, such as reindeer bull slaughter in autumn, migration of the herd in winter and calf branding in summer.
The large format photography of Torbjörn Jakobsson will take the viewer into a close proximity of the family of Sophia and Johan Rehnfjells and their children Niila and Pontus, whose everyday is starkly different from that of the most of the westerners.
Sami territories on contemporary map of Northern Europe are laid across four countries – Norway, Sweden, Russia and Finland. The region of Västerbotten and Umea mark the southern border of Sami territory. Thus, Umea Museum preserves valuable evidence of traditional Sami life style. In order to introduce the audience of the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia to the riches of Sami material culture and distinctiveness, variety of the Sami collection objects from the Västerbotten Regional Museum in Umea have been added to the exhibition.
On June 1, during the annual arts and crafts fair organized by the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum, the guests and participants of the event will be invited to meet the authors of the exhibition photographer Torbjörn Jakobsson and journalist Bertil Wallin in person.
The exhibition hall of the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum in Riga is open daily, from 10:00 AM till 17:00 PM in the summer season (01.05.–30.10.), with the exception of Mondays and Tuesdays. Outside the working hours, the exhibition can be viewed by prior registration by phone 67994106 or e-mail:
Fler bilder ifrån Förbundet Lettland - Sverige.
Vårtal – Anna Backlund – andra sekreterare på Sveriges ambassad i Riga.
Sen begav vi oss till detta hus (Priedes krog) för att äta vårsoppa, piroger och dricka kaffe som förbundet ordnat åt oss.
The Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia has found new collaboration partners, due to the project ‘Riga – European Capital of Culture, in the other town to hold this title in 2014 Umea.
In preparation for year of European Capital of Culture and with the view on mutual enriching of 2014 programs, the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum and Västerbotten Museum have started a creative partner project already this year. ‘Eight seasons of Sami family’ is the first vivid illustration of this collaboration to wider public.
The large format photography of Torbjörn Jakobsson will take the viewer into a close proximity of the family of Sophia and Johan Rehnfjells and their children Niila and Pontus, whose everyday is starkly different from that of the most of the westerners.
Life style of a deer herder in modern day Sweden is one setting particular conditions to humans.The tasks of everyday and work can be executed only in close collaboration and within a tightly-knit community. In masterfully captured stills, Torbjörn Jakobsson has succeeded to distill the essence of herder life. Additional dimensions are added to photography by Bertil Wallin’s bi-lingual texts, which are collected in the exhibition catalogue.
Sami territories on contemporary map of Northern Europe are laid across four countries – Norway, Sweden, Russia and Finland. The region of Västerbotten and Umea mark the southern border of Sami territory. Thus, Umea Museum preserves valuable evidence of traditional Sami life style. In order to introduce the audience of the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum of Latvia to the riches of Sami material culture and distinctiveness, variety of the Sami collection objects from the Västerbotten Regional Museum in Umea have been added to the exhibition.
On June 1, during the annual arts and crafts fair organized by the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum, the guests and participants of the event will be invited to meet the authors of the exhibition photographer Torbjörn Jakobsson and journalist Bertil Wallin in person.
The exhibition hall of the Ethnographic Open-Air Museum in Riga is open daily, from 10:00 AM till 17:00 PM in the summer season (01.05.–30.10.), with the exception of Mondays and Tuesdays. Outside the working hours, the exhibition can be viewed by prior registration by phone 67994106 or e-mail:
Fler bilder ifrån Förbundet Lettland - Sverige.
Sen snabbt tillbaka till valborgsfirandet som strax skulle börja!
Vårtal – Anna Backlund – andra sekreterare på Sveriges ambassad i Riga.
Till höger ordförande för förbundet Lidija Treigute.
Sen var det dags att tända Valborgselden (Av säkerhetsskäl får inte elden vara större på denna plats), följt av valborgssång.
Sen begav vi oss till detta hus (Priedes krog) för att äta vårsoppa, piroger och dricka kaffe som förbundet ordnat åt oss.
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